Making student life better

    Looking to get an ISIC in your area? Check here to see where you can purchase an ISIC in Portugal.


    When you go to an ISIC Issuing Office, make sure that you bring the following with you:

    • Copy of your ID Card;
    • ID Photo;
    • ISIC - Proof of your student status - with your name, school and academic year;
    • ITIC - Proof of your teacher status - with your name, school and academic year;
    • IYTC - Document showing you are under 30 years old;
    • 10€

    ISIC and ITIC card issues vary from agency to agency. For information about them, we recommend that you contact the closest issuing office to you before you get there.

    You can order your card in one of the following official issuing agencies:


    Get your ISIC card immediately:

    1. Transalpino Lisboa – Avenida Guerra Junqueiro, 28C, 1000-167 Lisboa, +351 218 436 440
    2. Transalpino Porto – Rua da Constituição, 576, 4200-193 Porto, +351 225 073 660


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